That is the question that the extreme right continues to ask, especially the people over at Worldnetdaily.
Basically, it really comes down to is either (a) Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen, is ineligible to be President, and got a number of assorted officials to go along with it; or (b) He and his guys are even sharper than we thought and have managed to keep the extreme right really distracted on basically a nothing issue.
Apparently, having a printed birth certificate certified by the state of Hawaii isn't enough for them. I have to say, if there is another issue to get some of your adversaries to focus on, this is it. Bravo. This has been a headline in one form or another over at Worldnetdaily and other right wing websites since almost as long as I have been checking them out. I am willing to bet that the people on Team O have a brand spanking new "long form" (whatever the hell that is, the one shown looks like a Hawiian version of my birth certificate) birth certificate and are laughing their way all the way to carbon emission caps and universal healthcare.